Psalm 54:2

Psalm 54:2

Hear my prayer

Well, we’ve all prayed prayers, haven’t we? I mean, most of us have a regular list of people, programmes and problems that we use as the foundation of our prayers. The family, work, church, the community, the nation, the world and ourselves! Some of us tell God about it all and make time for our long lists of requests. Others are so overwhelmed by all of the needs that they don’t know where to start and so they give up before they have started. One solution is to just say the “Lord’s Prayer” or to have a Book of Prayers and simply to recite the prayers that others have published. Whatever our method, or indeed, our attitude to prayer, words are at the heart of it. We come as simple human being who are perplexed by life’s many problems and by our needs, and we bring these many challenges to the attention of the Lord God. Prayer is spoken, either from the heart or from the mouth. Prayer is composed of words. 

It appears that David’s wish, here in this verse, is to know that when he prays, someone hears. “Hear my prayers, O God; listen to the words of my mouth.” But David already knows, just as we do, that our prayers and requests receive attention in the throne room of heaven. It was David who penned the following, “Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely.” Psalm 139:4. Therefore I think that he is asking for a little bit more than a divine, receptive ear. He is asking for some visible / audible sign that his prayers have been received and that God is going to respond. “Don’t just hear me Lord. Show me that You have heard me.” It’s a frustration that we all share. Wouldn’t it be grand if the Lord was as effusive in His responses as we are with our requests? It’s only when we pick up our Bibles and start to dig, that we realise ….. He is! To those who are prepared to spend time listening, He is talking. Everything that I need to hear, He has written down. Hallelujah! 


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