Psalm 53:4

Psalm 53:4

They never call on God

These words are attributed to our God as He looks down from heaven. He sees the deeds of the wicked, their corruption, their vile ways and their willing allegiance to the devil they do not believe in. He sees the sin and degradation of mankind and our perversion and misery and asks Himself what it’s all about? How could we live and behave in such ways? What have we learned, if anything, from history? It is as if we know nothing although we claim to be so wise! Paul talks at length about the foolishness of the world and the so-called wisdom of the wise in 1 Corinthians 2 and he concludes that God has deliberately chosen the foolish things to shame the wise and the weak things to shame the strong. v27. 

Our verse exposes the ignorance of the world when it “devours God’s people as though eating bread!” The Lord has put us in place to reveal Himself to the world. He has given us moral values and standards to fly, like a flag, in the face of evil. He has given His people hearts of compassion and words of truth and expectations of the future, that the world, in its ignorance, can never fathom. Instead of gladly grasping these things, the world despises them and seeks to destroy them and those who promote them. Thus it has slain the martyrs, persecuted those who uphold the truth and subverted a message of compassion and freedom upheld by a God of love and justice.  There are very powerful voices in our culture today that would remove all Christian truth and influence and substitute the so-called wisdom of the age. It has all happened so many times before and it always ends in disaster, judgement and the end of a particular civilisation. The Satan laughs with scorn at such foolishness because he knows that it is grounded in another successful propaganda campaign to convince men that “There is no God.” So, we may be devoured by the trumped up accusations, the iron fist of the state or the persuasive pretensions of men but we may still call upon our God whose way is the only true way. Hallelujah, never stop trusting in Him!


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