Psalm 53:2

Psalm 53:2

Are there any who understand?

I have this picture in my head of our amazing, compassionate, creative God Almighty, seated upon His throne of glory and looking down upon the beauty of the planet He created. The colours, the variety, the energy and the beauty of this earth are a glowing tribute to His ingenuity and skill, His creative power and His glorious attention to fine detail. Then He looks at man – the jewel in the crown, the climax of His handiwork, for man is made in the image of God. God searches and ponders and carefully sifts through the masses of the human populations and He asks these vital questions; “Are there any who understand? Are there any who seek me?” He is looking for those whose sole intention is to do good and to pursue justice, who love truth and also love others. He looks for those who are not greedy and selfish but who care for their fellow men. He searches for those who live simple lives of faith and trust, who will obey Him and serve Him with no thought for themselves. And, as the next verse will show us, there are none! There are none who have understanding of their place on earth, their relationship with God and one another. There are none who seek Him and Him alone, most seek for themselves and use the earth and their fellow men to gain advantage and wealth for themselves. There are none who live only to serve and obey Him! God is, at the very least, disappointed and at very worst, He is angry. 


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