Psalm 53:1

Psalm 53:1

The fool says ..... there is no God.

I will let you into a well-known secret! Psalm 53 is almost an exact replica of Psalm 14 and so it would be easy to just copy the thoughts recorded there and hope that no one would notice! That would, of course, be cheating and also lazy. If something like this is recorded twice, it rather suggests that there is a reason and that the Lord God wants us to give further thought to these words. So, I intend to review Psalm 53 as if we had never seen these verses before and then, maybe, at the end, compare the two Psalms. We may discover that we have moved forward in our understanding or that the Holy Spirit has new things to say today. It will be interesting to find out. 


v1        There are a variety of reactions to the concept of God including; those who think that He may exists or could exist but believe there is little evidence, those who believe that God is a talisman, someone to cry out to when in trouble but who does not interact with ordinary people in their every day lives. Some believe that God is a creation of religion and that He is probably the cause of most of what is wrong with the world. Others think that there may be a God, but they cannot understand why He does not do more; why does He not sort out the world’s problems and its injustices? 

I could go on, the list of possibilities is endless when people speculate about someone they do not know, do not wish to know or have no need of. The most arrogant, most dangerous and most deluded are those who are adamant that God does not exist. The greatest irony is that the god they serve (whose existence they also deny) has twisted their minds and their intellects to the point where they have reached their fatal conclusion. You see, there are many gods but just one God and if we do not believe in Him, we are such fools because it means we are in the pay of one of the lesser gods. Despite their efforts to be good citizens and to show by their lives that they do not need God, these people are corrupt, their ways are vile. Without the moral guidance of the Lord God, without His tender care and protection  without His salvation and His forgiveness, there is no hope in this world and all who abandon Him are foolishly spiralling down towards His judgement. How cunning and evil Satan is with his lies and deceptions! How boastful and arrogant he is! Of all beings, He knows that God is very real, that is why this world is lumbered with him and his perverse scheming. 



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