Psalm 52:5

Psalm 52:5

Prayers against the wicked

There are some dark images in this verse aren’t there? “Bring you down. Snatch you up. Pluck you from your tent. Uproot you.”  This arrogant enemy of David’s is in for a torrid time if all of this comes true – and it did! I struggle with the idea of pronouncing such curses on anyone – should we not leave room for repentance and a change of heart? David evidently did not think so, Saul would be brought down, snatched up, plucked away and uprooted, and so he was. Maybe, if we know someone who is so violently against the will of God and so inflated by their own importance that they put themselves beyond salvation, then we should pray that their impact is curtailed by the Lord. That does not mean that they will die but at least their evil powers will be extinguished.

We have already noted that our spiritual enemy is no different to the human enemy described by David. If we cannot bring ourselves to pray against another human being, we can certainly do so where the Satan is concerned. His time is limited. His defeat is already written in blood. His powers will be taken from him. In Revelation 20 we read that the devil’s influence over the earth will be removed for 1,000 years before he is released for a short time and for final judgement. Haste the day! 

Let us ensure that we keep away from him in the same way that we avoid bullies and abusers and all violent people. Let us walk beside our Lord who will delight us with His company and with His protection. And do not forget our God is righteous and holy and just, He will not tolerate Satan’s ways or man’s ways forever. Blessed be His name in all the earth.


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