Psalm 52:4

Psalm 52:4

The power of words! 

It’s interesting isn’t it that most verbs and adverbs have a positive and a negative, or to be more precise when we use a verb there is usually an opposite. Love – hate. Sleep – wake. Talk – silence. Go – stay. Encourage – discourage. It follows that for every positive act or word of God, the Satan has devised an antithesis and he loves it! He loves every doubt, every deceit, every profanity, every insult, every curse, every word that undermines, destroys, upsets and promotes a negative. Every word of God is questioned, every truthful statement is challenged, every compliment is undermined, he takes every opportunity to destroy love and joy and peace. That is the delight of the devil. He loves it!

Don’t take my word for this; read today’s verse and realise afresh what a stronghold he has built and how negatively the world is being stage-managed. Listen to the news, read the papers and discern the truth if you can, there’s not a lot of it! That is why we are given the fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-26. Love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. These are ONE fruit that manifests itself increasingly in the lives of those who live by the Spirit and by the Word of God. This is God’s answer to the torments of the world and the negativity, lies and darkness of the enemy. As James rightly comments, “With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings who have been made in God’s likeness.” James 3:9. Let’s watch our tongues, shall we? We do not want to be on the devil’s payroll.


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