Psalm 52:2-3

Psalm 52:2-3

You love evil rather than good

Saul was an obvious example of a human being that was on the payroll of the satanic powers and David exposes him in these verses. So, how do we see the works of the mastermind of evil in the actions of a human being?

We know that Satan is a created being. We know that he once held a position of power and authority in the heavenly realms. We know that he fell from grace and there are hints in the Scriptures that this fall was rooted in pride and a thirst for power. However, Job 1 suggests that he still had access to God in the spiritual realms and that he could still make requests and was held accountable for carrying out his wicked plans. The full nature of this spiritual clash of wills is not revealed to us. I have occasionally pondered how the conflict came about, there is some suggestion that free will exists even amongst angelic and heavenly powers. Satan – Lucifer – the devil, obviously suffered from a catastrophic delusion about himself, enough to get him kicked out of the heavenly realms and down to earth where he must operate as a lesser being, albeit one with sufficient influence to cause mayhem in God’s creation. Suffice to say that Satan is a boaster, he plots evil against the Lord God relentlessly. His fall to earth as a dominant spiritual manipulator is the curse of all mankind. He is deceitful beyond imagination and can use the most innocent schemes to pursue his evil plans. However, he is accountable to God and has no power over Him, but he never stops plotting against all that God has made. 

Just as the Lord Jesus loved to do good, the devil loves to pursue evil, he is the antithesis of everything that we know about Christ. Every command, every intention, every scheme that the enemy devises is grounded in lies and in falsehood and is driven by the desire to ruin what God has created. Death is the ultimate weapon, death and destruction and the collapse of all of creation. How appalling and frightening it is to realise that this evil power is running our world and the majority fall beneath his influence. How comforting to know that for reasons we cannot comprehend, the Lord has chosen to take us out of this mess, to reveal His truth and to save us from the impending judgement that must come upon Satan and his dependents. 

Most people, going about their daily business, do not have a clue about what is really going on around them. That is the greatest delusion. Thank God that we know the truth, but do not imagine that we can let down our guard. We need heavenly protection. We need that truth daily pumped into our minds and hearts. We need the armour of God. We need to trust the inner voice of the Holy Spirit, if we are to survive amidst the darkness and oppressiveness of the spiritual powers and authorities. Maybe that is why most people prefer to be spiritually dead, that way they don’t have to be concerned about all that is really going on around them! 


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