Psalm 51:6

Psalm 51:6

When did my sin begin?

This is a curious verse, I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone preach on it or even mention in it before! The teaching of my childhood and youth was based on the King James Bible which translates the verse rather differently, “Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts; and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.” In fact, I have checked 27 versions of this text and only 2 mention the womb, the rest use variations of the idea of “inner parts” or the inner man. (By the way, if you have an NIV and are wondering what I am talking about, some versions do not mention “innermost part” but substitute this for womb. Mine reads, “Yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb; you taught me wisdom in that secret place.”) So, who is right? What is David saying here? 

Firstly, this is a continuation of the previous verse that tells us that we were sinful from the moment of conception. In Judaism, no one is born a sinner! The correct translation of verse 5 reads, “Behold, with (or in) sin I was formed, and with (or in) sin my mother conceived me.” The question is, to whom the sin is attributed, to the speaker or the act of conception, or maybe the people doing the conceiving? In Judaism, it must be one of the last two. According to commentaries, the reference is either the act of intercourse, which, while not a sin in and of itself, is a source of many sins, or the parents who conceived the writer and who have, no doubt, committed many sins. Either way, the idea is that it is no wonder that the writer is a sinner, given that he has been exposed to sin since his conception.

The New Testament of our Bibles, especially Ephesians talks of us being “chosen in Him before the creation of the world.”Ephesians 1:4. Psalm 139:16 tells us that, “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.” God already knows who we are and the course that our life will take. He knows that there are those of us who will respond to Him by faith, who are “chosen” from birth. Is it too much to ask that this process actually begins in the womb, that the seed of His truth is planted, even before we are born? Think on!



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