Psalm 51:3

Psalm 51:3

I know my transgressions

Paul talks, in Ephesians 2:1, of our being dead in transgressions and sins. We are probably more familiar with the word “trespass” than transgression, as it is part of the Lord’s Prayer. “Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.” These words, “transgressions and sins” are deliberately used in Scripture because they have different meanings. 

To trespass means to step out of line, to overstep a boundary, the Hebrew equivalent describes the violation of a law of God. In other words, one who trespasses is a rebel, knowingly breaking the pre-ordained rules.

Sins are simply when we fall well below the mark, as an archer sometimes does when aiming at a target.  Paul defines it when he writes, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” 

Trespasses      =          man’s rebellion

Sins                  =          man’s failure

David is well aware of his deliberate rebellion and also of how far short of God’s glory he has fallen. Sadly, when we sin in this way and realisation of the depth to which we have plummeted hits us, it’s a job to stop thinking about it. There must be many criminals waiting at home for a knock on the door, believing that their misdeeds will be discovered, and the Police will be paying a visit. It’s bad enough when it is just a parking offence! For the Christian there is no more frightening place to be than waiting for God’s knock at the door, for His discipline to be revealed! Sin makes a real mess of us, especially when we cannot stop thinking about it and the full horror of our actions, and the consequences, literally hit home. 


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