Psalm 51:16

Psalm 51:16

Empty religion

Here is a theme that we have already encountered on more than one occasion on our journey through these psalms. The God who instituted the system of sacrifices and offerings, at Mount Sinai, takes no pleasure in them! He who commanded Moses and set out, in infinite detail, the observance of all these things, is no longer pleased by them. He who initiated a Covenant with Israel and established a form of worship that would be passed on through generations, takes no delight in its execution! We have previously set out the reasons why and there are a number: -

·      The sacrificial system was a means to approach God not an end in itself

·      The offering of sacrifices was meant to come from repentant and grateful hearts 

·      The people were to learn obedience through these rituals and not use them as a religious obligation

·      The Law if obeyed, used offerings sparingly. Israel had turned it upside down and they did as they pleased in the belief that an offering would atone for their misdeeds

·      True faith had been supressed by religion

We can be guilty of dead religion too. Israel as ever, is a warning to us. All of the churches and chapels, temples and cathedrals mean nothing if the worshippers have no personal relationship with God. The prayers of confession and the liturgies are pointless and meaningless unless they come from repentant hearts. The rituals and ceremonies are just spectacles if they do not bring the worshipper to a place of faith and obedience. Christ is the head of the church; popes, bishops, clergy and ministers are just men and no better or more worthy than any member of their congregation. Yes, there is comfort in familiarity and order, but those things are just landmarks on the journey, they are useless if they do not bring worshippers to the Holy of Holies, which is God Himself. Our Lord still takes no delight in empty ceremonies and no pleasure in religious extravagances. He would rather that we find Him through chaotic means than lose Him in the conformity of religion. 


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