Psalm 50:23

Psalm 50:23

Honouring Him

Verse 14 sets out the meaning of the Thank Offering or Fellowship Offering. Let me stress again, this came from thankful hearts, from men and women who acknowledge the sovereignty of God in all things. The person who went to all the trouble to fatten up an animal (the fatted calf) and bring it to the altar of God did so out of reverence and humble devotion. This was someone of generous disposition who did not keep the best for themselves but brought it to the Lord, to the priests and also to their family and friends. Such a person was humble and generous and glad to share what they owned. 

We do not have a similar means of expressing ourselves and showing our thankfulness - or do we? Surely our fellowship within the church of Jesus Christ is no different? We come to our God, sacrificing time and money to support His work and His people. We give generously to His flock and we do so with thankfulness knowing that all we have is His and therefore available to be shared with others. How sad it is when those who say they are believers take no delight in the church of Jesus, they do not wish for fellowship and they have no desire to share what they have with others. Such people have yet to learn the secrets of gratefulness, of dependence on the Lord and the joy of giving back to Him from what He has provided.

The verse, and the Psalm, ends with a profound promise, to those who do things rightly, who obey God’s commands, who offer their sacrifices of thankfulness, the Lord God will show His salvation. The more we give – the more we will receive! Hallelujah!



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