Psalm 50:9

Psalm 50:9

Be done with religion!

As the previous verse shows us, once form has overtaken substance, the strict observance of rules and regulations become more important than the reason for them. In Israel’s case the sacrificial offerings were initiated by the Lord to give the people a means of cleansing themselves before expressing their love and devotion to Him. These ritualistic practices were nothing more than a doorway to the heart of God. As is so often the case, the sacrifices and offerings and the ceremonies were no longer a means to an end, they had become the end. The people did not look for God through these things for they sought Him in the sacrifices, which in themselves became formulaic and dull, lacking inspiration and life. The Lord did not need nor want their bulls and goats, these things were meant to be a way to Him, if a man is spiritually clean and has paid his dues, then he will have access to relationship and intimacy. No doubt, the priests and Levites had exalted the rituals in order to elevate their own positions. As the years rolled by the processes become more and more complicated and mysterious, they excluded the common man and placed the Lord God beyond his reach. This is, once again, the way of religion. Our God does not dwell in buildings made with hands, in ceremonies, in vestments and liturgies and altars and traditions; He is above all these things. If they have any use, it is only as aids to bring people into the wonder of His presence and the glory of His throne. Be done with religion, God is not pleased by it, He requires nothing from us but our humble confession and a faithful heart of love. 


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