Psalm 50:8

Psalm 50:8

Religion v Relationship

The trouble with religion is that it always demands more! Religion is a man-made route that is supposed to make us right with God or in some cases – the gods. Religion involves effort, of forcing ourselves to do something we don’t really want to do, of being somewhere when we have better alternatives. Religion is about sacrifice and self-discipline and ritual. The faith of the Israelites was comprised primarily of religion. The ceremonies, rituals and observances of the Law had taken the place of simple relationship. Here, in this verse, the Lord God notes that they cannot be faulted, there are no charges to be brought against them in relation to their sacrifices and burnt offerings. Their observance of these daily offerings was exemplary.

It is so easy to turn the Christian faith into a religion where form takes the place of substance and where rules override relationship. Our church buildings are revered, the daily or weekly programmes are followed conscientiously. Our Bible Reading and Prayer is habitual and disciplined. Special days and Sundays are correctly observed, and public gatherings are carefully planned. Yes, it is easy to turn the vibrant faith we once enjoyed into religion. Let’s stop and ask ourselves where we are in our journey with God. What means most? What dominates our time? What requires the most planning and preparation? What excites us and drives us on? Is it religion or relationship? 


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