Psalm 50:7

Psalm 50:7

God is our God

We enter now into a passage of Scripture that does not make easy reading. In v7-15 the Lord speaks directly to His people and He speaks correction. The latter part of the Psalm, v16-23, is addressed to the wicked who are rebuked by the Lord.

So, having set out the authority of the Lord God in his opening verses and familiarised us with a description of the His justice and the extent of His jurisdiction, the writer now relays the heart of this God to His people - Israel. Firstly, they are called to listen for He is speaking. That should go without saying but busy, insensitive, preoccupied people often miss out on what their Lord is saying. Sometimes He has to call us to attention! 

I’m afraid that the news is not good, God is not pleased, He is about to testify against the nation. He begins by reminding them that He is God – there is no other. He is God. Let us remember that. All other so-called deities and faiths are secondary to Him, people follow their rituals and their fantasies, and the world’s many religions have millions of adherents but none of them deal directly with the One, True God. And there is more! He is not only God, but He says, “I am God, your God.” He was the God of Israel and theirs alone, He was unique to them in all the earth. He held the owner’s deeds to Israel, to their land and to the people. The God was their God.

Let’s just keep that thought with us today please. That God is our God. All the other pointless, pretentious, deities that figure in the minds of mankind are just poor adaptations of the true Holy One, Adonai. This God we worship is unique, superior and greater than all the others and He is my God, He is your God. So let us listen, for He speaks.



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