Psalm 50:6
Psalm 50:6
Righteousness and justice
The definition of righteousness, in the context of our God, is deep and wide! His character, His attributes, His acts and His words all glow with the beauty of righteousness for He is a righteous God. So, just as the heavens declare the glory of God (Psalm 19:1), they also declare His righteousness. The daily sunrise. The purity of the blue canopy over our heads. The clouds that bring rain and the winds that blow upon us. The beauty of the sunset. The unerring journeys of the moon and stars, so unerring that we can travel and tell time by them. All of these declare the righteousness of our God. He does not fail. He is always faithful. He is absolutely “on time.” As the Apostle Paul puts it in Romans 1:20, “Since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”
In Psalm 18:14 the writer says that “Righteousness and justice are the foundations of Your throne.” When we catch a glimpse of God’s righteousness, we must also contrast His justice; these two characteristics belong together, you cannot be righteous and overlook wickedness. The only One who is qualified to correctly dispense justice is the One who is wholly righteous. So, when we gaze in wonder at the heavens, we must also be aware that we are gazing at the works of the righteous One who is as perfect in His justice as He is in His holiness. There are no half measures with Him, He fulfils His own absolutes. Hallelujah!
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