Psalm 50:4

Psalm 50:4

He summons the heavens above

Should there ever be any doubt, this verse tells us that the Lord God’s influence is universal and beyond. As we noted in verse 1, He not only summons the earth when He speaks but there is interaction with the heavens too. Most human beings are so earth-bound that they are unaware of the activities in the heavenly realms, many are completely oblivious to the worlds beyond this one, their eyes have been blinded by the enemy and their only acknowledgement beyond earthly matters is to ponder if there may be life on Mars! 

To be fair, the most ardent Bible student will have quite a task trying to discover exactly what exists in the heavenly realms. Is there a Spirit out there who we acknowledge as God? Yes. And has He revealed Himself in human form and is He now seated, as that human revelation, in heaven, at God’s right hand?  Yes. And are there spiritual forms of malignant evil who exercise rule and authority over earthly beings? Yes. Are there angels and demons? Yes. And these heavenly beings are arranged in ranks. Do human beings exist in a spiritual form beyond this life? Yes. We could go on, but I hope that it is clear that our God is greater than just the human population of this planet, His authority and power span spheres way beyond our understanding. It is this God who will summon all earthly creatures and their heavenly counterparts and make His judgements. We all need to submit before Him and honour Him. He speaks and all must take heed. 



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