Psalm 50:3

Psalm 50:3

Our God comes!

This verse is literally translated, “Our God will come and will not keep silence; a fire will devour before Him, and it will be very tempestuous all around Him.” In the context of verse 2 where the Lord shines forth, we can assume that the writer is referring to God coming to the Temple, to His Holy Place, to sit between the cherubim on the Ark of the Covenant. In all Jewish minds God is to be feared and revered. He is glorious beyond imagination and beyond the reach of ordinary mortals. The corporate anxiety that gripped the nation every year, when the High Priest entered the Most Holy Place, was driven by fear that God might not be merciful and forgive their sins. The High Priest himself might never re-emerge but die before the Mercy Seat! When God comes, He is to be feared! When God speaks, heads are bowed in awe and thunder and lightning accompany His voice, as they did on Mount Sinai. Exodus 19:16-22. Oh yes, this is a God not to be trifled with, especially if there has been community sinfulness or individual disobedience. With this God you kept short accounts and you did not treat his judgements lightly.

We do well to remember this side to God’s character. It is so easy to view Him as just a loving Father who smiles benignly on all mankind and turns a blind eye to our sins. That is not what the Scripture teaches! While the tolerance of the Lord defies logic at times, He will not always strive with man. There come times and there will come a time when He will say, “Enough is enough.” Then mankind will know that, “Our God will come and will not keep silence; a fire will devour before Him, and it will be very tempestuous all around Him.”


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