Psalm 50:22

Psalm 50:22

The names of God

Apparently there are seven different names for God in this Psalm and that fact alone makes it unique. In English the names are: -

v1        The Mighty One

v1        God

v1        The Lord

v6        God of justice

v14      The Most High

v21      The “I AM” (not that well translated in some versions)

v22      God – Eloah (singular of Elohim)

Interestingly, the Hebrew language has 7 names for God and experts believe that they may be referred to, here in Psalm 50:-

    1.     Tetragrammaton

    2.     El

    3.     Elohim

    4.     Eloah

    5.     Elohai

    6.     El Shaddai

    7.     Tzevaot

I’ll leave you to do the research!

Do you despair with me at times, at the popular descriptions of God who is always loving, patient, kind and merciful to all, the God who looks away from our rebellion and who will welcome us regardless of our failings? The God who is the kindly, elderly gentleman who ignores our wickedness? Yes, God is Loving. Yes, God is patient. Yes, He is kind and merciful, but He also hates sin, and He has a very low opinion of those who live the lives He has granted them in self-indulgence, caring only for themselves and forgetting Him or, even worse, denying His existence. This loving, patient, kind and merciful God reminds us that He can tear us to pieces if He chooses and that if He does this we will be beyond rescue. I’d rather not play games with such a God; surely it’s best to keep on the right side of Him and obey Him?


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