Psalm 50:21

Psalm 50:21

I AM not like you

What an extraordinary statement the psalmist attributes to the lips of God here. It sounds almost jeering and spiteful, surely the Lord would never speak this way, even to the wicked! “So, you think I don’t care, huh? That just because I’ve said nothing and therfore I somehow approve of what you have been up to? You think that I am no better than you? Well, you are now about to hear what I really think!”

How easy it is to make up our own images of God based on our limited experience and our expectation that somehow, He is like us! I guess we all do it. Many believe that silence from heaven on matters that are of significance to them, reveals that somehow God does not care! But nothing is further from the truth, God is always merciful, patient and kind, “Slow to anger and abounding in love.” Psalm 103:8. 

So, when it comes to the deeds of the wicked, although there seems to be no immediate judgement, they will not get away with it, long term. Solomon writes, “Although a wicked person who commits a hundred crimes may live a long time, I know that it will go better with those who fear God, who are reverent before Him. Yet because the wicked do not fear God, it will not go well with them, and their days will not lengthen like a shadow.” Ecc 8:12-13. Let us never forget that our God is the One who is, “I AM WHO I AM.” Exodus 3:14. He is immoveable, unchangeable, utterly dependable, rock solid, always and forever to be trusted and obeyed. The wicked are such fools, do they really think that God does not see and does not care about their evil ways? Well, they’d better think again because He will reprove them and set out His accusations, the day of reckoning is coming! 


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