Psalm 50:18

Psalm 50:18

The ways of the world

This verse was possibly in the Apostle Paul’s mind when he was pondering the attitude of the wicked, he wrote, in Romans 1:32, “Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.” It is the willingness if the wicked to share in each other’s sins that is in view here. That when someone is knowingly nicking stationery at the office or pocketing small items from a workshop or cheating on their hours or their Tax Return; the instinct of the wicked is to do the same. To join the scam, to turn a blind eye, to approve of the theft. Whenever we approve, we are no better than the perpetrator. 

In the same way, sexual sins are boasted about by the wicked and the general idea of a good night out for many, is to have an encounter with a member of the opposite sex. How easy it is, for some, to be drawn into this kind of lifestyle, with no regrets and no sense of moral wrongdoing. That is the way of the wicked and be it secretive or brazenly proclaimed, it reveals the state of those who are in rebellion against the Lord God. Our God hates such behaviour for it is the outworking of those who are entrapped by sin, the children of disobedience who grieve the heart of God. 

“Lord, keep me pure before You.”


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