Psalm 50:17

Psalm 50:17


Here is another kind of hypocrisy. It is something that God hates! The verse is addressing those who formally attend the rituals and ceremonies that characterise their religion. They bow and mutter the words. They dress for the occasion and doff their hats. They wash their hands and make their offerings. They sing the hymns and songs and say the “Amens”. They read the Scriptures and recite the liturgy. They show all of the signs of being devotees, but it is only the rituals that they are devoted to. This was true in Israel (and still is) and it is equally true for many religious people today, even those who call themselves Christians. We lament the loss of “Christian England” but just how Christian was it? Maybe there are more people today who truly love Jesus Christ but who are not formal worshippers? Unless the teaching and the songs and the liturgy and the Scriptures are heart felt and bring us into a deeper relationship with our God, then it is all play acting and He hates it. He always has. 

“Lord keep our faith vibrant and fresh. We may use the rituals and the formal ceremonies but only as a means to an end. They are a way of drawing near to You. All religion that concentrates on the form but has no substance, no relationship, is hated by You. Help me to seek You in all things, to worship You and You alone. May my faith be real and true and focussed on You my Lord and Your unfailing love for me.” 



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