Psalm 50:15

Psalm 50:15

Call on me!

Verses 14 and 15 highlight two sides of our relationship with the Lord God. On the one hand we are encouraged to come before Him with our thanksgiving and praise; here in this verse He encourages us to bring our prayers. We need not be afraid to “call on Him” when things go wrong, and we are struggling with life’s crises. “Come calling,” He says, “Bring your troubles to me and I will listen.” 

I have never failed to be bemused at my insistence on trying to solve my own problems before I bring them to the Lord! I will research the answers or book an appointment at the doctors, or seek professional help, discuss the situation with all and sundry and generally do everything I can before calling on the Lord, usually in desperation and as a last resort! And yet I know, deep down, that He would much rather I call on Him first. We all do it and how foolish we are, how little do we realise the love our heavenly Father has for us and how willing He is to help us. Not only so but this verse has a promise, “I will deliver you, and you will honour me.” The problem with us all is pride. If we could just let that go and learn humble dependence, how much easier life would be.  It is because He delivers His people that we will honour Him, and the more we honour Him the more we will see His deliverance. Let’s try and retrain our minds to think that way. 



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