Psalm 49:9

Psalm 49:9

They should live on forever

This, of course, is a continuation of verses 7-8 but it is worthy of reflection simply because we need to stop from time to time and consider just what the Lord God Almighty has done for us. It is amazing that He chose us from before the world was created. He has also adopted us into His family. He has paid the redemption price to free us from slavery. We were “kidnapped” by Satan and the Lord came up with the ransom money. He has elevated us as princes into His royal line. He has equipped us to be priests in His service. He has recorded our names in the Lamb’s Book of Life as those who belong to Him. He has even opened heaven and given us a foretaste of His Holy Spirit - His Spirit who is God! And, just in case we might think that this is all a temporary arrangement, He has guaranteed that it lasts forever! 

The body of Christ Jesus did not corrupt in the grave for He was sinless – unleavened, He was a lamb without spot or blemish. His body did not decompose or decay and because we have been made sinless by His blood then we too will live on in new bodies. What was deemed to be impossible by our psalmist has been made possible by the blood of our Redeemer Lamb. No one on earth can do any of this for us, only Christ has the power to clothe the perishable with the imperishable and the mortal with immortality. 1 Corinthians 15:53-54. Hallelujah! 


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