Psalm 49:14

Psalm 49:14

Death will be their shepherd

This verse is such a sad indictment of all who put their faith and their trust in their fellow men. Whatever philosophy, political mantra, religion, good cause, scientific principle, humanist agenda, psychiatric theory etc. etc. etc that we put our hope in – it will fail us! None of these ideas, that are so attractive to the human race, have the faintest ability to be able to save us. There is nothing, no one and no multiplication of ones, that can deliver us from death. Except the Lord God and His Son, Jesus Christ. The Satan has tricked the world since the Garden of Eden with a million different side shows that all offer much and deliver nothing and the world falls for them, every time. Let’s face it, men and women are like sheep and “death will be their shepherd.” 

In many versions, the text now adds a little aside in parenthesis, (but the upright will prevail in the morning.) While we who trust in the Lord have to live amidst all of the foolishness of the lost sheep, with all of their false hopes, we know that we will prevail. In Scripture, the morning represents a new dawn, a new day, a new beginning. The righteous will not be abandoned to the grave or to the “place of the departed”. We will live! After the cold night of death, our Saviour Jesus Christ, rose from the dead early in the morning. His morning is our morning, and we will prevail in Him. Hallelujah!

The verse ends with yet another crushing indictment of the wicked and those who turn away from the one, true God. They will decay in the grave - so much for their princely mansions. 


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