Psalm 49:11

Psalm 49:1

The tombs of the dead

Taken out of context, this verse could be seen as a bit of a rant. However, we live in a world where we are surrounded by the relics of those who passed before us and many have sought to perpetuate their memory. The psalmist, rather sneeringly, draws our attention to two kinds of memorials; lavish tombs and large holdings of land that are named after their original owner. It was an ambition of the rich and famous in Biblical times that they should build large tombs to house their remains. One of the biggest in Israel was built by Herod the Great at Herodian where he literally moved a mountain to prepare for his demise! 

Large houses, parklands, fields, estates even some villages and towns in our own land bear the names of their benefactors who believe that maybe their name will live on in perpetuity. The bitter irony is that the tombs of the rich become their eternal homes and after just a few years no one remembers them. Don’t worry about perpetuating your name! You are recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life and your future is secure. You will do not die, so what is the point of a memorial? 



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