Psalm 49:7-8

Psalm 49:7-8

Kinsman Redeemer

Some of the laws of the Israelites were quite extraordinary, one of them covers the situation when your bull gores someone to death! If it was in the habit of goring people you could be held accountable and put to death along with the animal. The only “get out” clause was to pay a redemption price for your own life if the injured party demanded it. Exodus 21:28-32. Redemption monies could also be paid by an Israelite slave to a foreigner to gain freedom. Each family or clan had a kinsman redeemer who was responsible for such matters and who would pay a price according to the number of years remaining until the next Year of Jubilee. In the Year of Jubilee people were released from all their debts including slavery.  Leviticus 25:47-49. (You will remember that Boaz was the kinsman redeemer in the story of Ruth.)

This Psalm is really saying that despite these rules, none of us can cheat death completely. It is not possible to pay such a redemption price that we can never die. If it were possible the price would have to be paid to God and such an amount would be incalculable! Of course, as Christians, we know that Christ is our kinsman redeemer. He did pay the exorbitant cost calculated to buy our freedom. His death and His blood redeem us from the grave and make it possible for us to live forever. What a God that He should do this! What a privilege to realise that we are counted as members of the family / clan and worthy of being redeemed. HALLELUJAH!


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