Psalm 48:4-5

Psalm 48:4-5

His enemies will flee in terror

In 2 Chronicles 20, we read the story of King Jehoshaphat and the defeat of the army of Moab and Ammon. These tribal peoples lived to the south of Canaan in wilderness places and they had escaped conflict with Israel when God’s people passed through their lands. In fact, God had forbidden the His people to attack these tribes (2 Chron 20:10), so it was guiling to discover that they had formed a pact and were moving north in an attempt to destroy Israel. Judah, and the people of Jerusalem, armed themselves and headed south for a fight but the Lord God reassured them, through a Levite prophet called Jahaziel, that the battle was the Lord’s, and He would overcome the vast enemy forces. The next day when Jehoshaphat and his army came to a vantage point, overlooking the desert to the south, instead of an army bristling with hostile intent, they discovered a vast burial ground littered with the corpses of the enemy! The men of Moab and Ammon and Seir had turned on one another and slaughtered each other. A similar event is recorded in 2 Kings 19:35-36, in the reign of Hezekiah, when 185,000 Assyrians were all killed by the angel of the Lord as they prepared to attack Jerusalem. There are other incidences where the Lord God intervenes for His people and their enemies are routed.

We need to keep this in view when we are opposed by the world and the emissaries of Satan. We are the church of the Lord God, those who are called by Him and protected by Him. No enemy can stand against us. Why, even if we die on earth, we will live and reign with Him forever! So, even if the kings of the earth join forces and advance together against the church of Christ – as they will, He will guard us and fight for us. And one day, these arrogant fools will cower in terror before the Lord and bitterly regret their opposition to Him. Hallelujah!


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