Psalm 48:12-13
Psalm 48:12-13
Walk about Zion
Well, you can walk around Zion today and there is very little left of the great Temple that was once towering over the city of Jerusalem. Herod’s Temple was destroyed 6 years after it was completed and there are still piles of rubble that have not been cleared away! Of course, the writers of this Psalm were talking about Solomon’s temple, a towering citadel that was built for the glory of God and, of course, the glory of God filled that ancient building - the “shekinah” glory, for this was His dwelling place amongst His people on earth. Maybe there was a sense of anxiety about the future, that the Temple would not always be there in all its splendour, on Mount Zion? Maybe that is why those who served there and the pilgrims who visited were encouraged to take it all in, to survey the site, to walk around its circumference and store up memories to be shared with future generations?
The strength of our God is not in a building! We can walk around many of the great churches and cathedrals that fill our towns and cities and be amazed at their architecture, their strength and durability but, unless God is present in His people, they are just ancient monuments. We all know that He no longer dwells in buildings made with hands but that we, His people, are His temple, His dwelling place. Since that is so, just imagine how strong we are and how powerful an influence we must have. God is with us. God is in us. We are His citadel and He is our Mount Zion. Hallelujah!
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