Psalm 47:3

Psalm 47:3

Who is like You, Lord?

It’s not possible to truly grasp the enormity of this verse without researching its message. The destiny of Israel was always in God’s hands, they had to bear arms and fight for their land as an act of obedience, but the success of these missions was down to the Lord. In Exodus 15 we find a remarkable song written by Moses and his sister Miriam – I wish I knew the tune! In the song, the right hand of the Lord is credited with the destruction of Egypt’s forces. Philistia is in anguish, the chiefs of Edom are terrified, the leaders of Moab are trembling, and the people of Canaan will melt away. The song says, “Who among the gods is like you, Lord? Who is like you – majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?”

In 2 Samuel 8, these predictions are literally fulfilled, and the nations mentioned by Moses and Miriam are listed under King David’s conquests. 2 Samuel 8:6 says, “The Lord gave David victory, wherever he went.”

I wonder if our understanding of who we are in Christ, is so weak and under-valued that we have no idea about the power, the authority and the invincible potential of His church. Centuries of man’s interference have undermined its purpose, its gifting, its vision and its mission. Instead of corporately fighting against the Generals of the Satan we have wasted our time planning church fetes and preparing rotas for the cleaners! Bible teaching and instruction are often full of toothless platitudes about loving our neighbours, instead of battle strategies because we love them and want to win them for Christ. He can, “Subdue the nations under us, peoples under our feet.” Stop and consider today, who you are in the Lord and what He can do with those whose lives are obedient by faith. If you need help with this, read Ephesians chapter 1. 


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