Psalm 46:6

Psalm 46:6

He lifts His voice

This verse is strictly in the past tense so that it reads, “The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved. He uttered His voice, the earth melted.” Later on, in the Psalm, we read of the God who destroys the power of the nations who are hostile to Him and brings peace. The Apostle John picks up on this theme in Revelation as he describes the prayers of the twenty-four elders worshipping God as the Seventh Trumpet is sounded. Listen to Revelation 11:18. “The nations were angry, and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your people who revere your name, both great and small – and for destroying those who destroy the earth.” This is a sombre verse to read at a time when the greatest threat to mankind is our destruction of the earth! 

Notice that God only has to speak, that is all that He has ever done. He lifted up His voice and everything that exists came into being. He utters His voice and that which is broken, corrupted and spoiled is restored. He utters His voice and demon powers flee. He will utter His voice and the earth will melt. Psalm 97 talks about the lightning of God that will cause the mountains to melt like wax. We would be crazy to defy and rebel against such a God, wouldn’t we? And yet most do. Let’s take to heart the words of Hebrews 3:15, “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts…..” 



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