Psalm 46:5

Psalm 46:5

The city of God

Let’s talk some more about this City of God, Psalm 48 is just around the corner and it will give us plenty to consider about this holy mountain. Of course, it is Zion. Of course, it is Jerusalem. It was the first and only city of the People of Israel and remains the City of God for many of them today. Sadly, it is dominated by the mosques and the endless calls to prayer from their minarets. It is riddled by buildings dedicated to every strand of Christian history and type of religious belief. The city is filled with people from every corner of the globe and each has a different agenda and view of who or what or how they worship. It is a city of conflict and turmoil, of plots and schemes and it portrays man at his best and at his worst! Thank God that He has not given up on this city, for it remains at the centre of human politics, culture and religion. All eyes still look to Jerusalem. Which is just as well, for Messiah will return to this place and from Zion He will lead the nations. 

At the break of a new dawn in human history, God will help the City of Zion when it is at a very low ebb and the armies of the world are massed against it. Jesus Christ, the Lord, will descend to the Mount of Olives with His holy ones and establish His throne on earth. (Zechariah 14.) Every eye will see Him and every tongue will confess that He is Lord. What a day that will be! This verse will be fulfilled like never before and you and I will be there if we believe in and follow Christ! Hallelujah


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