Psalm 46:10

Psalm 46:10

Be still!

“Be still, and know that I am God.” This little phrase is probably in the top 5 of most loved verses for many Christians. Most interpret it to mean that there are times to just stop from our busy-ness and rest in the calming presence of the Lord God and find His peace. In fact, it does not mean that at all! “Be still” in Hebrew means “Enough!” God has had enough of the wars and the fighting and the wickedness of mankind, described in the previous verses. “Enough is enough” He says, “Stop all of your striving and acknowledge me as God.” 

This is the voice of an angry God who is weary of man’s constant desire to conquer and to subdue and to take control and to have power. “When will you stop and acknowledge me instead of trying to do things your way?” 

This interpretation is borne out by the following words, “I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” This is not a hopeful wish but a declaration of intent and, of course, come the reign of Messiah, these words will be fulfilled. If ever there was a cry from the heart of God for our world, it must be here in this verse and how true it is today. Let’s stop using Psalm 46:10 as a cosy encouragement to rest and instead, see it as a heart cry from the lips of the Almighty, begging the world to acknowledge Him but warning that ultimately, He will bring His rule and reign and men will exalt Him. What a wake-up call for our world at this moment in time. 

Of course, we can also quietly and meditatively, “Be still, and know that He is God!”


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