Psalm 45:9


Psalm 45:9

The Wedding Guests

King Solomon made the mistake of taking many wives from the pagan nations around him, he had been warned but never-the-less chose to ignore the Lord God and endlessly satisfied his lusts with beautiful women. 1 Kings 11:1-3. I don’t think that the king in this Psalm has surrounded himself with wives, but I do think that the rulers of other nations sent their daughters to the royal court to be beautified and paraded. This was a sign that the king had enormous influence and that he commanded the respect and honour of the surrounding monarchies. He was an international celebrity! But our king had eyes for one woman only on this auspicious day – his bride. 

What was the gold of Ophir? No one is entirely sure. In 1 Kings 10:11 we read that King Hiram of Lebanon brought gold from Ophir to Solomon. Later in the same chapter we read that, “The king had a fleet of trading ships at sea along with the ships of Hiram. Once every three years it returned, carrying gold, silver and ivory, and apes and baboons.” Perhaps Ophir was in Africa? 1 Kings 10:22. Once again the theme of opulence, wealth and decadence is continued in this verse. 

The Messiah was the greatest King this world has ever known. He could, and should in the eyes of many, have made Himself a rich man and been the envy of the whole earth. Satan even offered to give it to Him, but His kingdom and His treasure was not of this world, He sought another treasure and it had nothing to do with gold or baboons! His longed-for bride is His church, His people, His treasured possession. And the excitement levels are rising in the heavenly places as the Wedding Feast draws near. Wow!


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