Psalm 45:7

Psalm 45:7

Anointed with joy

What a lovely verse! On a human level we have a king, on his Wedding Day, who loves righteousness and hates wickedness. That’s unusual isn’t it? This godly man is superior to his noble guests who pay him respect as he walks through their ranks and acknowledges their acclaim. A king, of course, has to be anointed and it is at this point that we realise that the Psalm writer is not talking about any old earthly monarch. He eyes are lifted heavenward and he foresees another King, one who has been set apart by God Himself and instead of fragrant anointing oils, this King is endowed with the oil of joy. We are talking, of course, about the Lord Jesus once again. How good it is to know in what high esteem He is held by Elohim, God of gods. 

The writer of the book of Hebrews picks up this verse to confirm that it is indeed talking about the Son of God who is superior to all other heavenly powers. (Hebrews 1:9.) Later in the letter he writes, “For the joy set before Him He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2.) Joy is not just happiness, which tends to be based on circumstances. Nor is joy a temporary emotion that fades with time. Pure joy is a state of mind that comes from complete fulfilment and peace with God. It comes from having completed one’s destiny and being able to share the consequences with others. It comes, most of all, from knowing that God the Father is pleased with all that is done, that all is well with the universe. We can know this joy, it is a fruit of His Holy Spirit within. Our King has and will share His joy with us. Hallelujah!


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