Psalm 45:4

Psalm 45:4

Truth, humility and justice

Truth, humility and justice – it cannot be emphasised enough just how important these qualities are to God and the effects of pursuing them may have, not just on individuals but also on nations. How many world leaders do you know who pursue truth above all else? How many are there who humble themselves before the Lord God and their own people? Why do we expect the opposite; a strong leader must be self-confident and intelligent and one step ahead of his / her contemporaries. Anything less and we deem them to be weak. As for justice? Well justice, as God sees it, is an indispensable expression of true faith and devotion to Him. God is just and God will judge; He will judge even His own people if they are unfaithful, disobedient and break His covenants. The lessons can be learned from Israel who consistently failed to honour Him and who believed that outward ritual and religious observance were pleasing to Him. They also failed to realise that God is the righteous judge of all who are rich and powerful at the expense of others. How many leaders and monarchs put such justice at the top of their political agendas?

So, here in Psalm 45 we have a righteous king who has taken up the causes that the Lord God seeks in His rulers and all majesty and victory rest in these qualities. When monarchs, presidents, prime ministers and the like recognise these truths, only then will they achieve awesome deeds in the eyes of God. However, it is then that the world will disown them for it is run on Satan’s principles not those of the Lord our God.  How twisted and perverted are the popular ideas of greatness, statesmanship and power! 



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