Psalm 45:17
Psalm 45:17
An everlasting Kingdom
And so this enigmatic Psalm draws to a close and at its end is the promise of eternal remembrance. The writer of the Psalm has every intention to ensure that the King’s memory never fades and that His rule and reign will be celebrated forever. The Psalm is written wholly for that reason.
if there was ever a human king who fulfilled the brief it was David, his reign is still firmly embodied in the history of Israel and of course, his greatest descendant, Messiah Himself, will never be forgotten. While earthly kings come and go and leave their mark for good or bad, they eventually succumb to death and become the subjects of history and memory. Their kingdoms fade. The King of kings however, has a kingdom that increases in influence, size and power, and as time passes it will grow and flourish rather than receding. What a future awaits those who follow this King. Indeed, a day will come when all nations will bow down before Him and acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord. So, the kingdom of Christ has yet to reach its zenith, it is still undergoing development, awaiting the fulfilment of time and preparing to launch into eternity.
Thank You Lord Jesus for reminding us of the glory and wonder that awaits. What a day it will be when You are united with Your bride. It seems unimaginable that we will be there at the Wedding Feast, we will see You and be like You. As the woes of life on earth grow daily, we thank You for this hope. Thank You that we are part of Your kingdom and we say to God our Father, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done one earth, as it is in heaven.” Hallelujah!
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