Psalm 45:13

Psalm 45:13

Interwoven with gold

In Exodus 39 we read about the Ephod, a sleeveless, holy garment worn by the High Priest of Israel. On each shoulder was an onyx stone inscribed with the names of six of Jacob’s sons. Whenever the Priest entered the holy presence of Almighty God, he carried the whole of Israel with him. He also wore a breastplate bearing the names of the twelve tribes of Israel, chiselled on to precious stones. The remarkable thing was that the Ephod was woven out of gold, blue, purple and scarlet yarn and finely twisted linen. “They hammered out thin sheets of gold and cut strands to be worked into the blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen – the work of skilled hands.” Exodus 39:2-3. Now it may be coincidence that the princess in this verse has a gown interwoven with gold, a gown that she puts on in her chamber. It may be a coincidence that she, like the High Priest, once fully dressed, makes her entrance into the king’s palace. Or it may be that we are being reminded of something even more beautiful!

There will come a day, when the bride of Christ, in all her glory will be invited into the bridegroom’s Royal Palace. The doors of heaven will open wide and the bride will enter and as she does so she her clothes will be interwoven with gold, for we are a kingdom of priests before our Lord. And on our shoulders we will wear the names of every individual from every nation, tribe and family that has been true to the bridegroom and who is worthy to be welcomed into His presence. Hallelujah, what a day that will be!


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