Psalm 45:12
Psalm 45:12
Rich and famous
It’s not unusual to find places “personified” in the Scriptures, this verse literally says that the daughter of Tyre will visit the Queen, bringing gifts. Tyre was a great port and trading city on the Mediterranean coast. The King of Tyre recognised David as King of Israel and Solomon used this major import / export centre to build up the prosperity of the nation. Ships came and went from Tyre bringing goods from all over the then known world.
So, the Queen-to-be is being promised gifts and great wealth and the attentions of the rich and powerful once she becomes the wife of her King. It is almost as if she needs to be reassured and the picture painted here puts us in mind of the of the Tudors and Plantagenets with their powerful allegiances and their Courts, open to the notables in the land.
I cannot begin to imagine what it will be like when the King of Heaven is eternally united with His bride. The prophets give us glimpses and also talk of a day when Christ will reign upon this earth surrounded by His saints. I don’t think we will be driven by wealth and stature, do you? I think it will be enough to be with Him forever and to serve in His Courts. What a day that will be! Do not forget, there will come a time when the Messiah will hold Court and, “Every knee will bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” Philippians 2:10. And we will be there!
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