Psalm 45:3

Psalm 45:3

Gird Your Sword

As I perused this verse, I immediately recalled images from modern Royal Weddings where the military men dress in uniform and have a sword at their side. No doubt a similar picture is being painted here; the bridegroom is attending his wedding, but he is still armed and ready for battle. This symbolism is meant to convey the idea of strength and might, of preparedness and vigilance, of courage and honour. Here is a hero from the battlefield, a man of war, a man to be looked up to and who will lead his army to victory. The theme continues, “Clothe yourself with splendour and majesty” cries the song writer, let everybody know that you are invincible, you are our conquering King.

We cannot help but contrast this with the Lord Jesus while He was here on earth. His longest encounter with the enemy, at the beginning of His ministry, was alone in the desert. There were no spectators and no swords being brandished in that solitary place except, of course, the Sword of the Word of God. In His later confrontations with enemy forces Jesus proved to be completely in control, every demon power and devil spirit was dismissed with a few words or even a gaze, such was His dominance. At His crucifixion, our Lord faced the armies of the prince of this world, alone. He wore no armour and carried no sword, in fact He had the appearance of a beaten and defenceless victim. Instead of a triumphant onslaught against His enemies, the Son of God lowered His scarred head and gave up His spirit to death. This was not what His followers had anticipated and many of them fled in fear and shame. 

Step forward 3 days and the KING of KINGS appears in triumph, He has smashed the power of His enemies, broken their stranglehold on the whole world and conquered the ultimate foe – death! There should not be any need for another army, another soldier, another conflict ever. The war is over, He has won, but mankind does not recognise Him, Satan will not yet bow down to Him and so we still find a need for kings wearing swords. The world is deceived into thinking that killing people is the means to power and victory. Praise God, our King shows us that His life is the true way to triumphant conquest.


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