Psalm 44:9

Psalm 44:9

It's not all plain sailing!

And so we come to the disaster that has fallen upon Israel and the dire consequences of being abandoned by the Lord God. The next few verses do not make easy reading and at first sight it is hard to see how they can apply to us! Let’s remember, that this sense of abandonment comes after a devastating defeat at the hands of Israel’s enemies. The nation has been overcome; the God of their ancestors has not fought for them this time. There has been no spectacular triumphing against the odds, instead their foe has walked in and taken over land, people and power. And, of course, it is natural to question why. Of course, it is right to look within and ask if this abandonment is justifiable, and of course it is normal to feel deeply aggrieved if the treatment appears to be unfair. 

We cannot speculate on what the events were that led to Israel’s aggrievement nor can we determine if their woes were justified in God’s eyes. However, there is a lesson here for us; Life is not fair! Listen to the words of Jesus, recorded in John 16:33 “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” There will be times when we feel let down because things did not work out. We will feel abandoned because our enemies seem to have gained the upper hand; why some of our number have been brutally persecuted and killed for admitting that they follow Jesus Christ! Was that fair? And do you feel sometimes, as did the Psalmist, that even when you go out to fight the enemy that God is not there and instead of progress there seems to be a retreat by the church? It does happen and it will happen, that is why we must take heart as Jesus commanded us to do in the above verse, “For He has overcome the world.”Hallelujah!


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