Psalm 44:6-7

Psalm 44:6-7

You give us victory

These verses conjure up images of an ancient battlefield where heavily armed soldiers line up with their bows and arrows and their swords. I’m sure that they were organised and followed military strategies, but we are talking about an era long before the Roman legions and the bristling menace of their fortified ranks. In ancient times men followed orders and fought together but very often the conflicts descended into hand-to-hand fighting and it was every man for himself. What a comfort it must have been to pick up one’s sword and bow but to know that these were not the main weapons of warfare. Victory would come, but it would come through the power of God alone. Hence, many records exist, in the Scriptures, of Israel going to war against impossible forces and winning incredible victories. When the odds were heavily weighed against them God stepped in and trampled down their adversaries.

You and I may feel, at times, that the world is against us. We may hesitate to speak out or to even to declare our colours, for fear of reprisals. We may be the only Christian in our workplace or in our family; the odds against us are great, how can we break through? Maybe our church gathering is small, the community around us views us with scorn and bemusement, how can we overcome the unbelief and the cynicism? I think it’s time to declare, like Israel, “You give us victory over our enemies, You put our adversaries to shame.” What a relief, it’s not down to us but up to Him! Hallelujah!


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