Psalm 44:5

Psalm 44:5

Trampling your enemies

The first thing that strikes me on reading this verse is that there is no hint of submission, capitulation or resistance. In God’s name the nation of Israel would push down her enemies and tread on those who rose up against her. This is a cry of defiance in the face of many foes, but it is also a statement of intent. The previous verse contains the words, “You are my King and my God who decrees victories for Jacob.” The writer here is not depending on Israel’s might and fighting men, he is looking up to the Lord God and stating, with assurance, that He will do the vanquishing! That sense of national pride has been evident at many points in the history of Israel, it is only when they lose their focus on the Lord and turn to other gods, that they are ever defeated. What a lesson!

So then, what about us? Are these statements just applicable to a nation or can we make a similar declaration? Listen, our enemies are not “flesh and blood”, we wrestle against spiritual forces that are unseen but very real. Frankly, we have no hope of overcoming such forces on our own or in human strength, most of the time we are not even aware that they are working against us. However, ignorance is not bliss and if you are being constantly tested or tempted and a battle is going on in your head; if you do not have peace and are suffering from anxiety or depression; if you are unable to pray or find any comfort in the Word of God; you can be sure you are in the battle. You will not overcome these enemies on your own, it is only in the strength of the Lord and the power of His name that we can ever win through. That is the privilege of being a Christian, our God can equip us and defend us when the world cannot.  The Lord does not just want us to push them back so that they fall before us, He wants us to trample over them until they are defeated forever! Hallelujah!


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