Psalm 44:3

Psalm 44:3

The light of His face

What a lovely verse! What a timely reminder that without the Lord, we can do nothing. I’m sure there were men and women in Israel, over the centuries, who talked excitedly about their country’s military prowess and the great fighting men of the past. Joshua, Gideon Samson, David would be hailed as men of great courage and might who conquered many enemies and who excelled with the sword. Indeed, Israel is still a country that prides itself on its military know-how and the gallantry of its fighting men. 

Our Psalm writer takes a different tack; it was the right hand and arm of the Lord that brought them victory, it was His master plan and His provision that overcame the foe and brought peace and prosperity to the land. There now follows a rather incongruous phrase, “It was the light of Your face, for You loved them.” This is to remind Israel that none of their gains nor their prominence, nor their possession of the land is their own doing; it is the Lord who has given them their possession of it and it is the Lord who allows them to remain. Why? Because He loves them. The expression, “light of Your face” is common enough in the Scriptures, it speaks of God’s favour and special care, as in the Aaronic blessing, “May the Lord bless you and keep you, may the Lord make His face shine upon you and give you His peace.”

My dear ones, you are His chosen possession, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God. You are His children, you are legally adopted into His family, you have a Lord who is not ashamed to call you His brothers. Hold your heads high this day and be proud of who you are and of what He has done for you. But you and I must never take the credit, let us not indulge in arrogant pride at our own successes or of who we are, for all of it was His doing. His face has shined upon us. Hallelujah!


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