Psalm 44:26

Psalm 44:26

Because of Your unfailing love

The first eight verses of this Psalm were full of praise and celebration as the writer(s) boasted in the victories of the Lord God. From verse 9-25 it has been a depressing read, full of woes, recriminations and worst of all, an outpouring of blame and reproach, aimed at the Lord God for His failure and forgetfulness towards His people. The accusations are probably foreign to most of us, how dare anyone say the kind of things that are recorded here? How can anyone speak to the Lord God Almighty in such a derogatory way? How can a song reflect such a sense of despair and attribute this to a forgetful, uncaring, and obviously, vengeful Deity, who visits shame and disaster on His people for no apparent reason? 

There can only be two answers to those questions. Either the people who wrote the Psalm did not know God intimately and they had no personal relationship with Him, or their plight was so awful that they just did not care what they said and who they blamed. Maybe, both of these explanations are true? What is comforting is the glimmer of hope in this last verse. Despite all that has passed, there is recognition that God is a God of love, that His love does not fail, that love overrules any other weakness, that an appeal to love will ultimately be heard.

Let us make this our prayer when we are in dire circumstances. Let us look to the God who loves, who has revealed love throughout history and who has poured love into our souls. To know love such as this is as high a place as the human spirit can ever ascend in this life. Hallelujah!


Rise up and help us, oh Lord; rescue us because of Your unfailing love.



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