Psalm 44:23

Psalm 44:23

Awake, Lord!

Anguished impatience v God’s inaction. Have you ever felt that way? I think we can reasonably argue that the Lord God does not doze off! “My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip – He who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” So it is written in Psalm 121:2-4. In fact, that is a good Psalm to read today for it reminds us all that the Lord is watching over us every second that we are alive, and He will watch over us forevermore. So, it’s pointless our getting impatient but oh how often does He keep us waiting! 

It’s all about our view of time I suppose. We always have so much to do. We are always in a hurry. Our little world rotates around us and there are things to be done but when we ask the Lord for help or for guidance, He seems to be asleep! Or at least too busy with other matters to pay us attention. Please remember this, He has a whole universe to run and every living creature from the tiniest insect to the giant whales to the human heads of nations all have to jump to His tune. Most do not know this, but we do and we need to recognise that His plans are working out exactly to His timetable – not ours! With Him a thousand years is as a day. One of the advantages of getting older is learning to trust and to wait. He will come good, He always does! 



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