Psalm 44:20-21

Psalm 44:20-21

He knows the secrets of the heart

These verses are better read as, “If we have forgotten the name of our God, or stretched out our hands to a strange God, will not God search this out? For He knows the secrets of the heart.” In other words, this is not so much an accusation against God as an appeal to Him. I think that the writer knows of no such instances of idolatry, so far as he is concerned the corporate worship of Israel has been focussed entirely on Elohim, there have been no diversions to false gods, but let Elohim search this out. The Levite writing these words invites the Lord God to investigate, to search out the secrets of the peoples’ hearts, to uncover any false worship or idolatry by the people. 

After Joshua had led the Children of Israel into the Promised Land and Jericho had been defeated; the people suffered an ignominious defeat at a city called Ai. It turned out that one man was the cause. He had taken plunder from Jericho and kept it for himself, his name was Achan and his sin affected the whole nation. 

This is a tough challenge. It reminds me of David’s plea in Psalm 139:23-24, “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” David understood and so should we, that individual acts of disloyalty and idolatry can lead to whole communities being infected. As Paul pointed out, “a little bit of yeast can leaven the whole loaf.” Galatians 5:9. Let’s keep our eyes firmly on our Lord and not trifle with false or sinful influences, it is not just you and I that get infected! That is why the Apostle commands that a sinful man be expelled from the church in Corinth. The body of Christ is holy, separated to God, known sin cannot be tolerated, it has to be removed or the cause of it must repent. And, as this verse declares, secret sin too is not hidden from the eyes of the Lord God. Think on!



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