Psalm 44:2

Psalm 44:2

To boldly go!

The psalmist is still thinking about the successes and victories of the past and, in particular, when his ancestors drove out the nations and claimed the Promised Land – Israel. He has in mind, men and women like Joshua and Caleb, Gideon and Deborah, Jephthah and Samson. Then there was Samuel and David and Solomon – all these ancestral heroes who simply obeyed the word of the Lord and accordingly saw His hand at work. I love the phraseology here, “With Your hand you drove out the nations and planted our ancestors.”  Over my lifetime I’ve often heard people talking about church planting.  Many books have been written on the subject and these are usually full of strategies and goals as to how the successful planting can be achieved. However, if you think back to Israel’s planting, it came about solely because individuals were obedient and courageous; God spoke and they obeyed. As a consequence, the enemy nations were driven out. This is the battlefield that we are on today, the enemy nations have taken root, they have occupied the land, they have settled and believe themselves to be in control. God is still calling individuals to obey and then to have the courage to go to war. War against immorality, godlessness, unrighteousness and unbelief. Our God wants to plant His kingdom still, let’s go to war my friends and drive out those heathen nations. It begins when we start to wait on Him for His orders and then when we stand up and are prepared to obey! 


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