Psalm 43:2

Psalm 43:2

You are God my stronghold

Once again, I think the writer here is trying to bargain with God, “If you are the source of all my strength, why aren’t you doing something about my plight? If I put all of my faith and my hope in You, why is it that You appear to have rejected me?” There is more than one lesson here. Firstly, whatever is happening to us, whatever the circumstances, however bad the situation God has not changed. The One who has blessed us in the past is still here with us in the present and He will not forsake us in the future. We have to start at that point. I know that it is so easy to rationalise the situation and listen to the inner voice that says, “If He has not answered your requests and the enemy is still oppressing you, it must mean He has rejected you.” That is a lie! God does not reject His people. “He will never leave us nor forsake us.” (Deuteronomy 31:6. Hebrews 13:5 – and others!) I know it is hard, but sometimes we just have to stop wrestling with the doubts and the fears and the other inner voices and just trust Him. He does have His reasons. He does have a plan. He will rescue us. (Note to self.) We have to bear in mind that He is also in control of everything and everyone and it is just a question of time – His time. The pieces will come together, and we need never give up or question His faithfulness. And yet, it is only human to do so at times. Thankfully He understands our impatience as well as our plight and heaven and earth will be moved to make things right!


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