Psalm 42:9

Psalm 42:9

God my Rock

In Psalm 18 we looked at the different Hebrew variants of our word for rock. Here in this verse, the word used describes a rock cliff; in other words, God is a towering structure from which His people can look down on their enemies, and outwards to the surrounding country. He is a place for a watchtower where early warning of danger may be given. He is also a refuge from the roaring waves far below. This does appear to be a contradiction for the writer speaks, in verse 7, of having waves and breakers sweeping over him!

Obviously, the psalmist has not lost his faith or his dependence on the Lord, “You are God my rock cliff” however, he is clearly troubled by his circumstances and the lack of response from heaven. On the one hand it makes me wonder if he is goading the Lord, “You are my rock cliff, so why aren’t you rescuing me from the waves and breakers?” Or maybe he is truly troubled by the lack of help from the Lord. We often forget that these heart cries in the Psalms, are from men who depended absolutely in God, they believed in His deliverance and His provision, and so our writer is genuinely confused that heaven is not hearing, that his mourning goes unanswered and his enemies are allowed to oppress him. Such is his trust that it makes no sense, why should the Lord God allow this to continue? 

I ask myself, is my dependence on Him so complete that troublesome experiences are viewed in this way, as if God has forgotten me? Do I just plod on and confer with all of the world’s wisdom instead of pleading with heaven to see my predicament and give me an answer? Do I dare to accuse the Lord God of forgetting me? Am I honest and in the kind of relationship where I can bare my heart before Him?


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