Psalm 42:3

Psalm 42:3

Where is your God?

Something had gone wrong! The Kohathite who wrote this Psalm had been kept from visiting or serving in the Holy Place and the loss of connection with his role and his fellow worshippers grieved this man deeply. He may have been taken captive by the Arameans during one of their raids on Judah – who knows? Whatever the circumstances it was enough to make the man weep day and night, how he missed the fellowship, the celebrations, the daily routine, the worship and the service in the presence of Almighty God. His place was valued, he had a privileged existence and vocation and most of all, He had a deep faith in the Lord God whom He served. To lose all of this, whatever the reason, was deeply distressing. The suggestion is that he is surrounded by the taunts of foreign enemies for all he hears from them is the mocking, “Where is your God?” 

It saddens me that few people really cherish the congregation, the fellowship, the worship and even the ceremonial aspects of church. We’ve been through lockdown, because of Covid, on more than one occasion in recent times, and there are some who seem to hold the privilege of “coming together” very lightly. There are others who quickly slip back into a routine but show little joy and sense of loss as they do so. Let us treasure the fellowship that our faith draws us to, many do not have the close contacts and friendships and the sheer joy of meeting with others of similar faith; it is a very precious thing and should never be taken for granted. 


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